

Title Author Year Download
Efterretninger om Jordskjælvet af 3. April 1841 Forhhammer 1841 PDF     TXT
En sejsmologisk Oversigt Harboe, E. G. 1906 PDF     TXT
Meddelelser om Jordskælv og Vulkanudbrud Harboe, E. G. 1910 LINK
Jordrystelserne i Danmark ved det skandinaviske jordskælv 23. Oktober 1904 Harboe, E. G. 1910 LINK
Das erdbebenobservatorium auf der Disko:insel Harboe, E. G. 1911 PDF
Meddelelser om Jordskælv og Vulkanudbrud i Danmark med Bilande i Tidsrummet 1909-1913 Harboe, E. G. 1915 LINK
The Earthquake of 22 III 1928 Lehmann, I. 1929 PDF
The Seismological Stations København and Scoresby-sund Geodætisk Institut 1930 PDF
P' Lehmann, I. 1936 PDF
Seismologi, Geofysikken i Danmark Lehmann, I. 1945 PDF
On two explosions in Danish waters in the autumn of 1946 Lehmann, I. 1948 PDF
Jordskaelvet ud for Stevns den 4. Juli 1954 Jensen, H. 1954 PDF
Characteristic Earthquake Records Lehmann, I. 1954 PDF
Danske jordskælv Lehmann, I. 1956 LINK
Denmark Geodetic Institute - Report on Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior 1953-1957 Henry Jensen (Einar Andersen) 1957 PDF
Denmark Geodetic Institute - Report on Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior 1960-1963 Henry Jensen (Einar Andersen) 1963 PDF
Survey of seismic noise on the Greenland ice cap Hjortenberg, E. & Young, D. 1967 LINK to Google books
Denmark Geodetic Institute - Report on Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior 1967-1971 Jørgen Hjelme (Einar Andersen) 1971 PDF
Den Seismiske Virksomhed Gregersen, S. 1978 PDF
Earthquakes in the Skagerrak recorded at small distances Gregersen, S. 1979 LINK
Jordskælvsaktivitet i Nordsøområde Gregersen, S. 1982 LINK
Earthquakes in Greenland Gregersen, S. 1982 LINK
Det lokale seismografnet i Danmark 1979-1982 Hjelme, J. 1983 PDF
Jordskælv og Skorpestrukturer i Grønland Dahl-Jensen, T. 1984 PDF
Seismology in the Days of Old Lehmann, I. 1987 LINK
100-årig berømt dansk forsker Gregersen S. & E. Hjortenberg 1988 PDF
History of seismological stations in Denmark with Greenland. In Proceedings from the Uppsala Wiechert jubilee seminar 1994 Hjelme, J. 1996 PDF
Earthquakes in Denmark Gregersen S., J. Hjelme & E. Hjortenberg 1998 LINK
Modernizing the Danish Network Larsen, T.B. & Voss, P. 1999 PDF
Magnitude formula in 1999 for Denmark and Greenland, page 3 Gregersen, S. 1999 PDF
Earthquakes and change of stress since the ice age in Scandinavia Gregersen, S. 2002 LINK
The Scientific Correspondence between Inge Lehmann and Harold Jeffreys Hjortenberg, E. & T.B. Larsen 2004 PNG
Broadband data processing of earthquakes recorded with the seismological network in Denmark and Greenland Voss, P. & Larsen, T.B. 2008 PPT
The earthquake that shook central Sjælland, Denmark, November 6, 2001 Larsen, T.B., Gregersen, S., Voss, P.H., Bifstrup, T. & V. Orozova-Bekkevold 2008 LINK
Inge Lehmann’s work materials and seismological epistolary archive Hjortenberg, E. 2009 LINK
Glacial Earthquakes in Disko Bay, Greenland Sølund, A.-S. G. 2020 Thesis Appendix

The material provided on this webpage is mainly for seismological network operators, seismology researchers and students by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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